Odessa College is a designated American Heart Association Training Center. The Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers (BLS HCP) course is specifically for healthcare providers and professional rescuers. The 4 hour class will cover Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Additionally, this course will provide students with life savings skills not only for adults but for children and infants.
You must be at least 9 years old to take the course. A parent must be present in the building for all non-Odessa College students under the age of 16 years. The parent may not assist the student in the written or skills assessments. Children not enrolled in a class will not be admitted. The CPR class and exam are currently only administered in English. Students may be able to bring a translator to the class with prior approval from the director.
Classes can be paid for online
To register and pay tuition for a CPR class you will need to make the purchase through Marketplace.
Students will need to forward their receipt to cpr@cesametal.net with their desired class, time, and date of choice; refer to the calendar at the bottom of this page.
A Customer Service Representative will follow up with you and confirm your enrollment in the CPR course.
For any questions regarding CPR courses you can contact CPR Customer Service at (432) 335-6334, the Continuing Education Building at (432) 335-6580, or email cpr@cesametal.net.
Heartsaver CPR AED First Aid offered at the click here for the Wrangler Sport Center. Click HERE to register for the Heartsaver course.
For any classes cancelled by the college, a full refund will be issued or the class will be rescheduled. For withdrawals, 100% of the tuition will be refunded if the student emails cpr@cesametal.net up to 3 business days prior to the first day of class. No refund is given if the student requests to drop a CPR course within 72 hours of the course start date.
Have enrollment questions? Please call our office at 432.335.6580 or email at cpr@cesametal.net. CPR Coordinator direct number 432.335.6334.
Which class CPR training I take?
Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers (BLS HCP) course is specifically for healthcare providers and professional rescuers. The 4 hour class will cover Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Additionally, this course will provide students with life savings skills not only for adults but for children and infants. (Recommended for Health Careers students such as Nursing, Radiologic Technician, Surgical Technology, CNA, Phlebotomy, Medical Assistant, etc. )
The AHA Heartsaver CPR AED course is designed for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card in CPR and AED use to meet job, regulatory, or other requirements. The Heartsaver CPR AED course trains participants to give CPR, and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) in a safe, timely, and effective manner. Reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC). (Recommended for the General Public – food service, daycare, adoption or the general public) (Register through the OC Wrangler Sports Center)
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS)course is for healthcare professionals who either direct or participate in the management of cardiopulmonary arrest or other cardiovascular emergencies and for personnel in emergency response. The AHA’s ACLS course builds on the foundation of lifesaving BLS skills, emphasizing the importance of continuous, high-quality CPR. Reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC).
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) course is geared towards healthcare providers who respond to emergencies in infants and children and for personnel in emergency response, emergency medicine, intensive care and critical care units.
Heartsaver CPR AED First Aid - up to 4 Hours $75
Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers (BLS HCP) - up to 4 Hours $75
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Provider Course - up to 16 Hours or 2
days $300
Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) UPDATE Course - up to 8 Hours $300
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Provider Course - up to 16 Hours or 2 days
Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) UPDATE Course - up to 8 Hours $300
How will I receive my eCard?
- eCards will be emailed by your instructor in class or by Odessa College within one week
- Check your spam/junk mail for your eCard
- eCards can be claimed through the AHA website. Click HERE to claim your eCard.
- Text "eCard" to 51736 to claim your eCard by text message; rates may apply.
Please scroll through the entire web page as many of the frequently asked questions are answered below. Also, please refer to the Resources section at the bottom of the webpage for more valuable information. If you still are in need of additional assistance, please call the Continuing Education office at 432.335.6334 or 432-335-6580 or email us cpr@cesametal.net.
Scheduled CPR classes are listed on the calendar at the bottom of the page.
HeartCode Hybrid Instruction: Offered for those with a previously held Provider Card or Medical Professionals
No Heartcode online classes taken outside of Odessa College will be accepted. Both the online class and skills portion must be taken with the approval of the Director of Health Careers through Odessa College – a link to the approved online class will be provided.
No outside classes will be approved to do skills only checkoffs. You must do both
through Odessa College.
HeartCode BLS - self-paced with required skills check included $75
HeartCode ACLS - self-paced with required skills check included $300
HeartCode PALS - self-paced with required skills check included $300
*Skills checks will be scheduled after student has completed the online course and has earned a certificate of completion.
Available in person courses by request:
INSTRUCTOR ESSENSTIAL COURSE (Heartsaver/BLS/ACLS/PALS)is designed to prepare instructor candidates to teach AHA Instructor-led and blended learning BLS Provider courses. It educates instructor candidates on how to use AHA Instructor teaching materials, ensure that students meet learning objectives, offer student coaching skills, provide an objective skills performance evaluation, and follow AHA Instructor and course policies. The course covers core content and discipline-specific content required to teach AHA courses. BLS Instructor Essentials Online is the self-directed, online portion of the BLS Instructor Essentials blended learning course. Course content covers steps for becoming an AHA Instructor and steps of the instruction cycle: Prepare, Teach, Test & Remediate, Close, and Keep Current. This course includes core information about instructing AHA BLS Provider courses, followed by course-specific information.
Email your request to cpr@cesametal.net for scheduling. Business & Industry partners and Independent School Districts we have options available to your institution!
Are you interested in becoming an AHA CPR Instructor or would like to transfer your alignment to the Odessa College Training Center?
Call our office at 432-335-6334 or 432-335-6580 or email cpr@cesametal.net.
Current Instructors that are aligned with the Odessa College AHA Training Center may purchase their eCards through the Marketplace.
Do not purchase Instructor eCards without pre-approval.
Have you tried our new AHA Knowledge Booster app yet?
The AHA Knowledge booster is a quiz-based app that was created to reinforce critical
CPR and emergency care information. The AHA's Resuscitation Education Scientific Statement highlights the importance of spaced learning and use of innovative educational strategies
during resuscitation training. Incorporating digital platforms and applying gamified
learning can improve engagement and knowledge retention for students who have recently
completed their AHA training. Users can choose the topics appropriate for their level
of knowledge - BLS, ACLS, PALS, or First Aid and CPR Basics.
Click HERE to view the printable sheet offered as a resource to students in class. Instructors can provide this sheet or navigate the students to AHA Knowledge Booster | American Heart Association CPR & First Aid.
- CPR Website
- Testing Center, TSI 2.0 Testing at Home visit this link.
- Continuing Education Scholarship Form (W2 or 2 pay stubs must be submitted with Application)
- TPEGGrant Information and link to complete FAFSA
- Workforce Solutions Permian Basin website and Flyer to Apply to Workforce
- Casa De Amigos
- Health Insurance Options
- Odessa College Bookstore
- Odessa College Campus Map
- Change Demographic & Contact Information Form
- How to set up your Cengage account through Blackboard
- Cengage Mobile App Flyer
- School Immunizations Exemption Informationfrom Texas HHS
- Have questions pertaining to Convictions Barring Employment?
- Additional assistance with food, housing, healthcare, etc. please email cares@cesametal.net.
*Course offerings are subject to restrictions and/or guidelines issued by local, state, and national government entities in response to pandemics, evacuations, natural disasters, inclement weather events, or any other circumstance that may affect the school’s ability to hold class. This may include damage to buildings, equipment failure, technology failures, or any safety concerns that may develop. Classes, courses, and/or programs may be moved, postponed, or cancelled as Odessa College deems necessary to remain operational and in compliance with such restrictions or guidelines. Students should refer to Blackboard or reach out to their instructor for further direction. Classes will mostly likely resume in an online format until otherwise notified.